Not much to say today. Once the three coats are on (the black, the rust oxide, and the blue), I have to achieve the patina look by sanding through the top coat and some of the orange to give it that weather-beaten look. It was exhausting. About six hours of sanding today.
I started with wetsanding with 400 grit paper. The trick is to get the top layer off in such a way that it looks "natural."
Consider this a rough draft. Too much orange, not enough black.
You can really see the texture the brush and roller gave the paint job.
In action. Hunched over for hours.
The driver's fender was starting to get the right look.
I'm liking the tailgate, too.
The black here is too black, I think. Looks more like spray paint than rub through, which makes sense since that what the black is.
Tweaking tweaking tweaking. Not satisfied at this point. Just isn't looking right.
Again, not bad here.
This one's problematic. Had to add more black to restart.
On the cowl, I had the same issues: burn through or too much orange. It was a fine line that I couldn't quite seem to walk.
This looks a lot less blue than it really is. I'm liking this part. The scuffing on the tub rails works.
This doesn't The black looks off, and I've exposed too much orange.
Recovering burn through.
Working my way around the tub.
This was the spot that really bugged me. Once I started sanding the dash, my patch panels welded in way back when started to show through. If you look carefully, you can see the vague, uncertain outline of the oval one. It just won't do.