Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bedliner on

Some final touch-ups before I put the bedliner on.  There was a hole made in the center of the rear floor pan, which was then patched with another piece of sheet metal screwed in place with sheet metal screws that protruded through the floor by about 3/8".  I ground off the tips to smooth out the underfloor area.

Then there was the driver's footrest/step.  It had an ugly wart of some kind that I had to remove just for ugly's sake.
It wa a thick bugger, about a 1/4".  I got out the Sawzall to cut it flush.
Mostly gone.
There was a small hole made by cutting the chunk off as flush as I could.
I clamped a small backing piece on it.
I welded up the topside and ground it smooth.
I then boogerwelded the perimeter of the patch plate and left the boogers.  No need to grinder here.
I also addressed the corner of the step that was just a little less than secure for me, and since I was in the vicinity, I welded it up.
Nearby on the flange that the driver's fenders bolts to, I found a few cracks in the seam created by the bend, one near the top and one near the bottom.

The top on wasn't terribly complicated.  Weld, grind, weld more, grind more, stop.
The bottom on was more of an issue.  There was just no meat to the weld to work with my limited skills.  I'd burn through or it would allow for too much flexing.  I tried welding it from the backside, to no avail.  I decided to make a patch plate.  (I'm getting good at those.)
 Boogerwelded in place.
Ground smooth-ish.  It'll be visible, but not too terribly bad.

On to the bedliner, at last.  As I mentioned before, this is the same stuff I used on the Grand Wagoneer to good effect, and I wanted to go with a known entity rather than something new/different.
Note the contrast between the Permatex Rust Treatment (which I've duly scuffed and vacuumed as part of my prep).
Working my way around the belly.
Done with most of the back half.
The firewall area.
The rest off the back half.
Passenger's floor where I'd repaired all those hat channels last fall.
The finished firewall.
Now it just has to cure for a day or so, and then I'll flipped this bugger over and get it on the chassis.

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