Since it was a bit wet and chilly yesterday, I let the primered parts air dry overnight. With the low humidity, despite the still low temperatures, today was safe to do apply the final coat.
Since I was going to leave the garage open for air flow, it was an easy decision to line the gas tank with Red Kote today as well. (It off-gases acetone something fierce.) First I taped over the sending unit holes with some transparent duct tape.
I poured a quart of Red Kote that supposedly can handle a tank of up to 12 gallons. I measured the tank at 20"x13"x10.5", which should be about 2730 cubic inches. A gallon is 231 cubic inches, so this is about a twelve gallon tank. The quarter will do the job. I poured it straight down the fill neck and then taped over that hole, as well.
What was interesting was the immediacy of the off-gassing, which bulged both taped holes. I then rolled it around (being careful not to shake the tank) to coat all sides. When the sending unit was on bottom, there was enough pressure from the acetone fumes to push it out between the tape seams.
I continued to rotate the tank onto a different side very five minutes or so. Once I thought I was finished, I pulled the tape off of both holes to let the fumes free and start the curing process.
Here are a few peeks inside.
When I went back a few hours later, I was surprised to see a thin coat on the side walls and a large puddle on the bottom. A quick rocking of the tank proved what I suspected, that there was still a lot of liquid available in the tank to coat all six sides more fully. I started the rotation process again, this time giving each side a full thirty minutes. There is already noticeably less liquid rolling around in there, and I feel confident the seams along both small sides will be filled effectively.
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