Friday, December 20, 2013

Prepping for T90/Dana 18 installation

While the tranny and transfer case were out, I wanted to spruce up the cross member, getting rid of any grime and surface rust.  Here's the before shot.
After a good scrubbing and wipe down with acetone.
Painted with VHT enamel.

This is the thin guard that keeps road grime and dust off the flywheel and clutch.  Judging by its level of crud, it seems to be doing its job.
Half and half.
All sparkly.
The aluminum adapter had no rust (of course), but it had some minor surface corrosion and paint overspray.
Cleaned up.  Just like with the bell housing, I used a smaller wire brush in my variable speed drill to scrub it clean.  I didn't want to damage anything. (On a side note, I'm curious if the Teco company is still in Fresno and if the folks there would know anything about the year this adapter was made.  I'm hopeful that I can narrow down when the Ford 260 was dropped into the Willys.)
Installed on the transmission.  Unfortunately, this isn't the correct sequence for the install, so it'll be coming off soon.
The clutch fork boot ordered from Wild Horses 4x4 in Stockton, California.  This was designed to go on a Ford V8 found in early Broncos.  I couldn't find one for cheap enough that was guaranteed to work with my 260, but this would work with a 289 or 302.  I gambled that Ford wouldn't have made a different boot for its different V8s.  I was, fortunately, right.
Look at how crusty the old one was.  Note, as well, that the bulk of the boot is missing.  It wouldn't exactly keep out the dust.  The new one will.
Installed.  Of course, it's upside down.
The spring installed on the back of the shift fork.
Installed correctly.
The pilot bearing installed.
My youngest helping me install the bell housing.  She knows her way around tools, which is awesome.
A peek inside.

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